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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Doctors Without Borders

One of the organization that I have been blown away by time after time is Doctors Without Borders (also known as MSF, Medicins Sans Frontieres). 

This incredible group works in over 60 different countries assisting people in need. In seven weeks, Doctors Without Borders treated over 3,000 malnourished children in Sudan. They rushed to aid flood victims in Nigeria and are still working tirelessly to assist individuals in Haiti. In Sri Lanka, the group is rehabilitating people with spinal cord injuries. 

Recruiting both medical and non-medical aid workers, the group provides its volunteers with incredible benefits such as round-trip transportation, room and board in the country where the project is taking place, a salary and per diem (in the currency of the country the project takes place in), insurance (life, medical, emergency evacuation, disability), letters of support for student loan deferrment, payment of interest on student loans during and 6 months after the assignment, and much more. Doctors Without Borders reaches out not only to the individuals in the countries it serves, but also goes to great lengths to make certain that volunteers are provided for as well.

Friday, October 1, 2010

I Dare You

The Girl Effect

This simple yet incredibly powerful short film is the hallmark of a growing campaign around the globe. After you watch the film, head to and check out the incredible work this campaign is inspiring!